Finding Religion and Dinosaurs
Let us assume that I get a revelation and realize that: "Without religion, there can be no meaning. Without religion there can be no morality.". Yes, some people actually say that, and mean it truthfully. Lets assume I was born an atheist, not by choice, but simply to atheistic parents, and never had any introduction to religion. So, I now need to figure out which religion is the right one. Can't just choose the first one, and assume it is the right one, right? Some would say that all religions could give meaning, but that would be to acknowledge that either all religions are true, or that you can derive meaning from believing in a false religion? So, we must conclude that only one religion is true, or we could just make up our own meaning an morality and come up with a name for it. So, time to figure out which one that is then, and get back on the path of morality and get meaning in our lives.
A bit of research gives an estimated 4000+ religions (actually kind of fun to scroll through: list). It is definitely not tenable to go through all of them, and try to figure out which one is the right one. Lets assume then that, if there is one true religion, it must be one of the bigger ones (more prof, good arguments, maybe some miracles, angels that talk to people, stuff like that right?). Also, a true religion must be more powerful and would probably prevail in the long run right? So we look at some numbers for the top four; Christianity 2.4mil, Islam 1.9mil, Hinduism 1.2mil, Buddhism 0.5mil. Christianity wins by a margin. Then we are good, right? Nop, not yet. Because then you realize the Christians are not actually in agreement about anything. And so we have to first figure out if we are to go with Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Anglicanism or maybe Oriental Orthodoxy. Or what about Restorationism? And then you realize those are only the major branches, and all of those can be further divided into no less than ~45,000 different denominations. Holy cow...
If you haven't given up by now, you realize that some Christians believe the pope is the voice of god, some that he is just an administrator. Some believe in only the new testament, while others point out that Jesus actually name drops both Abel, Noah and Jonah. Some believe the bible should be taken literally, others that it should be interpreted. Some believe in purgatory and eternal damnation, others that we all go to heaven. Some believe the disciples actually literally drank the blood of Jesus. Some point to the bible supporting LGBTQ, others says that it clearly condones it. Some think the bible condones divorce, others that it is perfectly within the teachings of Jesus. Some believe in the nine levels of the angelic hierarchy and six-winged creatures flying around the throne of god, some that it is superstition and folklore. Some believe we all become angels when we die. Some believe the King James bible is true, others point out that it has major translation errors (it actually has Unicorns, which is almost as awesome as a prophet flying to the moon on a winged horse). Some believe in temporal Purgatory, the place where people who are too good for hell but not good enough for heaven, end up. Some believe that not believing in purgatory is actually a rather serious sin. Some Christians believe in Sheol/Hades, and that before Jesus was crucified, no one could actually go to heaven, but was instead placed in Sheol patiently awaiting the crucifixion of Jesus. There is in fact a complete confusion as to what the difference is between paradise and heaven, and if there exists a nice cozy part of Hades. Also there is a vast difference in what constitutes forgiveness. Some believe you can actually speak to god, and that he will answer. Some think it doesn't matter what denomination you trust in, others that the wrong denominations are actually sinful.
So, all in all, good luck using that mess to base your values and ethics on. Maybe that is why religion gives meaning to some, because it is so utterly confusing and inconsistent that people just give up and say "I choose to believe that meaning is in there somewhere!" I think personally I will just stick to reasons for now.
Note: I have seen counter arguments to the above saying that all this division and denomination madness is man made, and not the will of god. At the same time I have seen people turning Christian, genuinely ask what denomination they should follow, and the answer being; ask god through prayer, and he will show you. See the problem? Seems like a whole lot of Christians forgot to ask god for guidance before choosing their denomination...
Thought of the day:
If animals go to heaven, how many dinosaur saints did Jesus bring back from Sheol?