The Meaning of Life
Imagine being in a room, empty but for a single rug in the middle of the floor. On the rug is a collection of wooden bricks, in different shapes and colors. Around stands a small group of people. Some of these will try to stack the bricks, into structures, claiming this is the right way to use them. Some will divide the bricks by color or shape and claim this is the order of things. Others again will start analyzing and counting; 13 blue, 11 red, only 3 circles(!?). Then claiming that "now we know!". Some will try to destroy what others have build, or steal their bricks. Some because they feel what is being made is wrong, others from sheer malevolence.
The kids though, will see it all for what it is, toys to be played with. Without rules, always changing, and never written.
Note: "We had the red bricks first!" "That blue triangle belongs to us!!"
Note: Religion; claiming someone not in the room told us how to use the bricks.